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most fundamental duty of Courts of Record is to
produce the record of proceedings in every criminal proceeding and
trial. The Statutes commanding this duty are unambiguous and mandatory.
The statutes and proclamations over the last century and a half stated
explicitly how these judges are to perform their mandatory
administrative functions to produce their record of proceedings. These
judges have pretended that these statutes do not say what they say in
plain language; that the judge or justice shall produce the record of
proceedings, and that in fact these statutes mean the exact opposite of
their plain meaning. A small excerpt from their "bible", the Criminal
Code of Canada.
All evidence in criminal trials in Canada are taken in accordance with section 540 of the Criminal code
When a person is convicted in a criminal court in British columbia, the judge refuses to make or cause to be made the transcripts of the evidence of the trial. If the accused is wrongfully convicted and wishes to appeal, he runs into a brick wall. The Appeal Court demands that he produce the transcripts to the court;if he does not produce the transcripts to the Appeal Court, his appeal is dismissed. In 1927, the Parliament of Canada made the definitive proclamation that the record of proceedings of a Criminal conviction in a Canadian Criminal Court does not have to be produced to any Court of appeal by an appellant. To demonstrate the deceptions, fraud and extortions practiced by the Criminal Justice system of BC, I include an excerpt from an Appeal I am currently prosecuting in the Court of Appeal of BC as Counsel for an Appellant ----------------------------------------- "For greater certainty, the original draft Bill for subsection (2) of s. 1020 of the old code read "furnished by the appellant" but the words "by the appellant" were struck out in Parliament. It was never the intention of Parliament that a convicted appellant furnish the transcript that is required to be in the record of proceedings IT IS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR FROM THE MANDATORY PROVISIONS OF 1927 C.C. S.1020 and S.1020. 2. and IT'S PRESENT DECLARATION IN S.682 C.C. that there is no provision that the convicted appellant make the record of proceedings or furnish it to the court of appeal." ----------------------------------------- To show the full deception practiced in these courts we must include the AGBC(Attorney General of BC) in our analysis. The Court Services of BC are administered by the AGBC. the Criminal Administrators work for the AGBC. The clerks work for the AGBC. Prior to 1997, the Court Reporters(who were the official court Stenographers) worked for the AGBC. Only the judges do not work for the AGBC; or do they? The AGBC is responsible for the Sound recording Apparatus used to record the evidence in criminal trials and other proceedings. A small excerpt from the "bible" again.
Prior to 1997 all methods of recording evidence was absolutely required to be transcribed as the record of proceedings. 1995 s. 540. (5) Where evidence is taken down by a stenographer appointed by the Justice or pursuant to law, it need not be read to or signed by the witnesses, but shall be transcribed by the stenographer … 1995 These judges refused to do so. Parliament, in 1997, took it out of the hands of these judges and gave the accused the right to demand it. These judges still refuse to. Another small excerpt from the "bible"
The court services refuse to allow the accused to inspect the record of proceedings and refuse to make a tarrif of fees and refuse to allow the accused to take copies of the evidence. The sequence of events are as follows 1.The Judge refuses to make or cause to be made, the record of proceedings and refuses to allow the accused to request that the record of proceedings be made. The judge convicts the accused 2.The Court Services refuse to allow the accused to inspect the Record of proceedings and refuses to allow the accused to take copies for a reasonable fee. 3.The Appeal court refuses to allow an appeal until the accused furnishes the Record of Proceedings to the appeal court. At this point there are no lawful courts present in this equation. The convicting court has no authority to make a conviction and has lost it's jurisdiction by refusing to be a Court of Record. The appeal court is commiting a substantial wrong in more than one aspect;It has a rule of court which is inherently illegal and is ignoring it's only legal recourse to obtain the record of proceedings under s. 684. (1) and(2). We have seen the fraud and denial; now comes the extortion. Court services and a party to the proceedings(Attorney General of BC), and the judge state to the accused that the only way to inspect the transcript of his trial is to purchase it from a private company. Court services supply the convicted accused with a contract for that private company and after the accused pays to have the record of proceedings transcribed for him, that private company places a copy in the Record of Proceedings at the expense of the accused and the judge and the prosecutor and the AGBC all claim that the copy is the original transcript and the judge, prosecutor and AGBC all pretend that the judge has miraculously completed his Record of Proceedings. The convicting court takes on a false mantle of legitimacy and authority while the Attorney General has practiced extortion and defrauded the convicted appellant and forced him to produce the Record of Proceedings that the judge has refused to produce. The appeal court shares in the conspiracy by the default operation of their illegal reqirements for the appellant to furnish the record of proceedings to that court. The word conspiracy arises from the fact that all the judges of that court would have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid to not be aware that their rule of court was illegal and to be unaware of it's effect in allowing the judge and Attorney General to practise Fraud and Extortion on the Appellant. Criminal conspiracy is much easier to believe than the proposition that the appeal courts are totally incompetent and abysmally ignorant of the law When an Appellant refuses to submit to this fraud and extortion and takes the court system "TO COURT", then their little house of cards begins to crumble. The court systems of BC have degenerated so far from the spirit and letter of the law, that they more resemble the bizzaro world of the "SUPERMAN COMIC SERIES", where the bizzaro superman accidentally enters the comic book world from the bizzaro universe where everything is the exact opposite to the comic book world. The bizzaro superman upholds evil and battles against good; fortunately for the comic book world, the good superman manages to force the bizzaro superman back into his bizzaro universe. Unfortunately for BC, the Bizarro courts of BC cannot be banished to some other universe. The BIZARRO JUDGES and BIZARRO ATTORNEYS of BC have created a "Reality Vacumn" in the UNIPOLAR BIZARRO COURTS OF BC. IN PHYSICS EVERY PARTICLE IMPLIES IT'S ANTI-PARTICLE The resulting vortex has been creating the "ANTI-ATTORNEYs" to fill that void. Into that vacumn has been drawn all manner of flotsam and jetsom; some innocent, some guilty; some aware of some of the injustices, others simply intuiting it,but all equally subject to the forces shaping their realities. For some, it has been just a one shot; they win or lose and then forget or are forgotten. For others, it becomes a crusade; innocent or guilty, they experience the same outrage at the criminal arrogance of the attorneys and judges(who are also attorneys) who act with such blatant criminality. |